Congrats to Alan Ngo, the winner of the Mystic Blue XDisc in our latest giveaway!
Stay tuned as we’ll be announcing another giveaway soon. Check out what Alan shared with us about how he got into ultimate and how he heard about the contest below.
Hi my name is Alan I’m currently 16 and I’ve been playing high school Ultimate Frisbee for 3 years now. I got into Ultimate at first by Boy Scouts because Ultimate is the Boy Scout sport I was able to play it a bunch with my friends. One day I found a disc with the logo of the nearby Ultimate high school league (Brookwood High) and as a middle schooler I made it a goal to join the team once I got to high school. I am currently playing for the team and I love it a lot. I love Ultimate because of the community. Everyone from day one has been super nice and supportive it’s just something special to be part of a community that is filled with a bunch of different backgrounds yet we all have something in common. I love the community because of the people and how nice everyone is whether you are teaching me, on my team, on the other team everyone just seems to be awesome to each other no matter what. I love it because we all come together as individuals and play Ultimate as a community. I heard about the contest from a Reddit thread that I look at sometimes and I’ve read posts from Ultimate Rob so I clicked the link and entered. I intend to use the disc to throw with my little cousin and my little brother and hopefully teach them how to play ultimate.